Publish or Perish: organized by Rich Gere and Holly Greenberg

16 - 18 March 2017

Publish or Perish

In conjunction with the Southern Graphics Council International Conference in Atlanta

Prints from University Master Printing/Collaborative Workshops including:  Small Craft Advisory Press – Florida State University, Full Court Press – Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, Lake Effect Editions – Syracuse University, P.R.I.N.T. - Print Research Institute of North Texas – University of North Texas


Dozens of the top artists working in print medium from around the globe, including:  Timothy McDowell, Aaron Coleman, Dennis McNett, Jeff Dell, Kathryn Polk, Harmen Liemburg, Michael Barnes, Lisa Bulawsky, Crystal Wagner, Jon Swindler, John Hitchcock, Sean Star Wars, Michael Kruger, Kevin Haas, Jenny Schmid, Erika Walker, Art Werger, KoichYamamoto, Jack Damer, Emmy Lingscheit, and more....
